How simple good messaging is

How simple good messaging is

Mar 20, 2024

Mar 20, 2024

Pavlo Cherniakov

Pavlo Cherniakov

Good messaging is easy as pie
Good messaging is easy as pie

Good messaging is simple.

All you have to do is:

1. Decide which companies to talk to. (They need to get outsized ROI from your product.)
2. Decide who to talk to within these companies. (They need to own the budget around the problem your product solves.)
3. Find out which parts of these people's jobs are aligned with that problem.
4. Figure out the status quo of them dealing with it. (That doesn't work as well as your solution.)
5. Find out the persisting pains these people face when dealing with the problem the current way.
6. Dig into the specifics of these pains and what causes them. 
7. Figure out which features of your product counter those pains.
8. Prioritize the most painful problems that your product solves most impressively.
9. Combine the above into a concise and coherent sentence. 
10. Extrapolate that into compelling website pages. (And outbound. And onboarding emails. And content marketing.)

Easy as pie.

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