Improve your SaaS pricing page messaging in 5 minutes

Improve your SaaS pricing page messaging in 5 minutes

Apr 21, 2024

Apr 21, 2024

Pavlo Cherniakov

Pavlo Cherniakov

Most SaaS companies—with a few notable exceptions—only treat their pricing pages as designated spots for pricing stickers.

This is one of the reasons why buyers are so frustrated with the B2B buying process. This is also the reason why companies that put effort into their pricing page messaging have an easier time winning their ideal buyers from their competitors.

In this short guide—only 5 minutes to read—you’ll see how your pricing page can attract more demo calls and deals with your ideal buyers.

People look at your pricing all the time.

If you go into your analytics now, you’ll see that pricing is one of the most visited pages on your website — probably not far behind the homepage.

Most of the time, these visitors have the highest buying intent — they’re literally saying “Okay, I might be interested, what’s it gonna cost me?”

Conversion copywriter and pricing page expert Vesna Mirosavljev adds:

"Too many SaaS companies treat their pricing page as a visitor’s “last stop.”

In reality, website visitors jump to the pricing page early on in their navigation. Heck, if they found you on Google, they might even click on the “Pricing” meta title to get the straight goods. Plus, they return to your pricing page multiple times before converting.

So your pricing page must satisfy multiple touchpoints and give prospects what they need at each stage of their buying journey."

If so many of your high-intent visitors are looking at your pricing all the time, why not help them see how your product is the best solution to their problems?

”Do I like it and can I afford it?”

In his 2010 talk, Jason Fried of Basecamp shared his observations about the difference between what companies say about their products and what buyers are asking about.

In his experience, companies were obsessing over features while buyers wanted to know the answers to basic questions — do they like it and can they afford it?

Sure, signing off on a CRM system your company will use for years is more complicated than buying a pair of sneakers. But you’re not even getting into the consideration set for the new CRM if the person in charge of the list thinks you’re a good enough fit for a tolerable price.

Vesna has at least 3 more reasons to make your pricing page more than a glorified sticker:

"First, prospects will scan your pricing page to qualify you. “I don’t want to fall in love with something I don’t have the budget for,” a Redditor said oh-so beautifully.

Second, prospects will return to a good pricing page over your product pages. Because a good comparison table cuts through the fluff and gives them an efficient way to figure out what they’re actually getting.

Third, yes, prospects will go to your pricing page to sign up. And the biggest mistake I see SaaS companies make is position that page only for that final touchpoint."

3 things to immediately improve your pricing page messaging.

Here are a few things you can do with your pricing page right now without waiting to address this until the next website redesign.

Parade your value prop.

Your pricing page is not where you put your price. Your pricing page is where you justify whatever you’re charging for your product.

So instead of “Pricing” or “Pick a plan that works for you,” continue the conversation that your homepage has started.

In practice, Vesna recommends this:

"Lead with a value-prop message above the fold. You can put the word “pricing” in the eyebrow copy (aka primer) right above the headline. You want to reframe this page from “This is the money that’s about to leave your wallet” to “This is how much better your life will get.”

Show social proof.

I can’t think of a good reason for not showing social proof on your pricing page. And because “add testimonials” is vague and trivial advice, here are a few ways to use social proof strategically:

  • pick testimonials that mention—or allude to—the pricing objections and how those became a non-issue after using your product

  • if you have case studies, show a big customer quote or a quantifiable result right then and there, linking to the case study

  • mix in the testimonials talking specifically about the things users could do soon after signing up

Stock up on ammo.

If your website—especially the pricing page—is your 24×7 salesperson, your plan comparison table is their ammo stockpile for shooting down objections.

Mixpanel's pricing page is great at this.

Take it from the person who fixes pricing pages for a living:

"Include a detailed plan comparison table. Aim for clear, complete information. Categorize your features. Include helpful tooltips. You can’t be too thorough for those methodical decision-makers."

Control the narrative around pricing.

Fundamentally, your pricing page is just a part of your website where people can find information to help them decide — should they look into your product or elsewhere to solve their problems?

If you can make your page more helpful to prospects, you'll turn more of your ideal buyers into customers.

Make your value prop super-clear.

Struggling to explain what your product does?

Use this free Value Prop Canvas to develop a clear and compelling value prop for your product in 4 repeatable steps.

Get the free Value Prop Canvas

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